en The Argushiigi ontology allows annotations on other classes and properties that allow them to be organised and displayed in a human-readable form.
en A named category things to display.
Display categories can be organised into a hierarchy.
en A way of formatting a resource textually.
Formats provide a mechanism for displaying "value-like" resources. A class with a format is expected to be displayed in-line, rather than as a link.
A format contains a sequence of literals and patterns, references to specific properties and ways of formatting them that can be used to extract information and format it. All patterns in a sequence must match for the format to be used, otherwise the next pattern is tried.
en A formatting pattern.
Patterns are specific sequences of elements that can be combined to produce a textual representation of a resource. Individual properties are followed and rendered as required.
en Down the rabbit hole. A pattern derived from a reference to a property. The value of the property is used to format the sub-pattern.
The format held by this pattern is the format applied to the value of the property.
en Places an entity into a category. Display categories can be used to annotate classes, properties and individuals. Classes and properties inherit categories from super-entities, using the closest super-entity with the lowest priority.
en Indicates that a value should be expressed as Traveller-style eHex.
eHex values are extended hexadecimal, with the following values
decimal ehex
0-9 0-9
10-17 A-H
x I (omitted)
18-22 J-N
x O (omitted)
23-33 P-Z
Additional codes are
unknown X
special Y
ulitmate Z
en Gives the format a resource or resource of this class uses.
Formats are generally associated with classes or properties. However, a resource may have its own format.
en A format description specific to a particular (computer) language or system's conventions.
en The format to use when displaying this property in Java.
This uses java.text.MessageFormat syntax to define the property, with the value of the property as argument 0, the name of the property as argument 1 and the name of the subject of the statement as argument 2.
en The format to use for a label
en Associates a format or pattern with a specific language.
If not specified, the format or pattern applies to any language.
en A literal value to format.
The literal can be any literal value, not just text. If a format is specified then the format will be used to format the literal.
en Indicates that there are multiple statements of this form. If set to true, then a list of statements, separated by commas is generated
en The parent category of a sub-category.
This property can be used to build embedded hierarchies of categories.
en The sequence of pattern elements to use when attempting a format. Each element is tried in turn and the format accepted or rejected, based on whether the element is optional or not.
en The priority of this item in any list of items to be displayed.
en Gives the property that this pattern draws data from.
en Indicates that a pattern element is required.
en The property to use to order information in a category
en The format to use for a value